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What are the options and protections for a vacuum printed package?
Time:2018-7-12 17:33:26  Browse:

  Now people's living standards are constantly improving, and everyone's request for quality of life has become higher. This has also made the use of vacuum bags more extensive, but how can vacuum bags be maintained so that it can be used longer? How are we supposed to pick a vacuum print bag?

Four major maintenance methods for vacuum packaging bags:

  1. Because vacuum bags are greatly affected by temperature, keep in mind that they should not be placed in places where sunlight can directly reach, because intense ultraviolet radiation will accelerate the aging of vacuum bags.

  2. Vacuum bags must be as much as possible to prevent hot and cold, so as to prevent the vacuum bags from expanding and contracting and reducing the short life.

  3. Keep in mind that you should never put a vacuum bag in a humid, airless place. It is so simple to let the bag rot and affect its use.

  4. For vacuum bags that haven't been used for a long time, be sure to check them carefully for cracks before you start using them.

  The above are the four major maintenance methods for vacuum bags. We must remember this method in our usual use so that your bags can have a better use of life.

What are the options and protections for a vacuum printed package?

Selection of food vacuum bags

  There are many types of vacuum bags, and the large categories are divided into industrial packaging and food packaging. Food vacuum bag request of the commodity norms significantly higher than the general industrial goods, accurate selection of food vacuum bags, should pay attention to what aspects?

  1. The outer packaging of food vacuum packaging bags shall be marked in Chinese, indicating the name of the factory, the address of the factory and the name of the commodity, and the words "for food" shall be clearly indicated. After the goods are shipped, they are accompanied by commodity inspection certificates.

  2. Vacuum bags for food are factory free of odors and odors. Vacuum bags with special odors can not be used for food packaging.

  3. Coloured vacuum bags(such as dark red or black used in the market at the time) can not be used for food packaging. Because such vacuum bags are often made of recycled plastic.

  4. Use as much information as possible without coating or coating. In modern packaging planning, in order to make the packaging more beautiful and corrosion resistant, a lot of information on the use of plating. This not only brings difficulties to the recovery and reuse of data after the cancellation of the product, but also most of the paint itself is toxic. If everyone eats these packaged foods, it will cause great damage to everyone's body. In addition, the process of coating and plating technology has also brought great pollution to the environment. For example, if the paint evaporates toxic solvent gas, waste liquids containing heavy metals such as Chromium and waste residue pollution occur during electroplating. Therefore, as far as possible should be selected without coating, coating packaging data.

  5. Choose food from the best shopping malls, not from street stalls.

  6. Green packaging information is the best choice for the acquisition of food because of the fact that it is not easily degradable. Paper is the most widely used green packaging material at present. Therefore, when shopping for food, the best choice of initial paper packaging is appropriate, biodegradable plastics can also be.


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